Monday, September 8, 2008
a glimpse into my africa journal
a glimpse into my Africa journal
Ok... I've had this typed out for the past two weeks but never logged into Myspace to post it. When I got back from the Dominican, I had a lot of thinking to do. While on the trip, a couple had to leave only on the 2nd day because her father died. Of course, my feelings and thoughts from last year when my grandma died while i was in Africa all came rushing back to me. I didn't get the timing and irony again, but I know God was teaching me to go to Him first, that since I've been through it I can be there for them, and what it is like for a team to gather and support and pray. I came home and read my Africa journal because it had been exactly a year since Grandma's passing. I've told some of you that I would let you read my thoughts so rather than giving you my journal, here is a glimpse. This is the last I'm writing about this, because this Dominican Trip oddly enough gave me a lot of the closure that I've been searching for. I hate that it had to happen on account of friends goign through the exact same thing, too. :(
Seriously, its just a glimpse... I wrote A LOT!!! Africa was 7 hours ahead.
July 16th: It's 7:15a.m. and Mel just called. I had a sinking feeling I knew exactly what Sammy was pounding on the door for when I heard his voice. My dreams suddenly switched from one thing to another. I dreamt that Mel called while I was here to tell me something about Grandma, just as I heard a phone call, I was awakened by the pounding on our compound door (that's separate from Sammy's house so I would have never heard his phone ring) and Sammy yelling my name. I climbed out of the bunk bed and found my way to the door and Sammy had his phone up. Because I tried to stay away from contact from home during this month and told Mel to call only if something bad happened to Grandma, my heart sunk and I started crying before I even reached for the phone. Here's the deal. She is not doing well and keeps going in and out. They are meeting Friday to discuss stopping care, machines, medications, which means if I want to say goodbye I must transfer my plane tickets and leave here early. Mel said she would help me do that. I told her I needed time to pray about it. What's the timing in this Lord? Help me to know what to do? Why can't they wait a little longer? She has made it this long from having her surgery the day we flew out... but am I being selfish in all this? Will she even be coherant enough to know I'm even there if I leave early? All these questions! She was so worried about me coming here. What would she want me to do? Where is her heart with you God? She was so scared going into this surgery. My heart aches right now. I went out to the tent to talk to Sammy. He prayed over me and the situation. I know I must trust God and acknowledge Him in this situation. There is a reason this happened now. I know God works for the good of those who love him. I'm leaning on God, especially because I'm not sure if I'll get the support needed from my team here. I have a big decision to make which could affect my life in the near future upon my return home. I have to trust God ocmpletely. As Sammy said, present your worries to God but don't let your worries move you. I can't let the idea of a possible guilt trip from Mom cloud my judgement.
I don't want to leave here early. I already get upset at the idea of leaving. I said goodbye to Grandma at the wedding two days before we left for Africa, but this is far more extreme. She's SUFFERING. She went through a lot. And the thing that hurts the most is that she appeared just fine at the wedding. She could pass away while I'm flying 16 hours alone in the air before I even get there.
I need to put my trust in God. All of it. I know he knew this would happen today while i'm 8,000 miles away from home. When I don't have comfort of those here who are my only piece of home, I know God is there and people back home are praying. I wish I was home right now because I need my friends and siblings. I'm feeling so frustrated right now because the one person who was a good friend before the trip and is my only piece of home is not even talking to me.
Father, you see all my tears I've cried this morning. I know you are hurting with me. Even though I can't trace your hand in all this, I want to trust your heart. I want to lean on you for comfort. If I can't get a hug from friends, I know I'm seeking refuge in the shadow of your wings. Guide me in the way you want me to go. I don't want to lean on my own understanding but to acknowldge your movement in this so you can direct my paths. I love you Lord. You will be glorified in this.
Lord I give you my heart, I give you my SoulI live for You alone, Every breath that I take,Every moment I'm awake, Lord have Your way in me
Father, have your way in me! You sent me here not to be sent home early. I trust that you can pull Grandma through this until I get home if it is your will. My ministry here can't end shortly. Lord, work in this situation here and at home. Whatever happens may I still honor, praise, worship, and glorify you. May it still be well with my soul. I trust you. I believe in you. You are my rock. Always here in times of trouble. I must hold on tight to that promise.
(as you can tell, the Psalms were my bedrock during this time)
7/16 evening
I called Mel tonight and told her I am not coming home early. She jus said that Grandma may not make it until Friday as her kidneys are failing and her blood pressure is beyond low. I called Anchor Room to tell them and Natalie, tried Lisa, and Tammy also.
During the prayer meeting with all my Kenya friends and only one team member there, Sammy mentioned how one of our sisters in Christ had a rough day (after telling me earlier today to not tell anyone about my situation). The whole group prayed and sang for my situation for about an hour, but it only seemed like 10-15 minutes. In the US, so many people would be weirded out and bored about this, but I was totally broken the whole time while hugging Patricia and grasping onto Boblin's hand. This is why I'm dealing with this year. I have the support of these people who hardly know me, but are praying powerful prayers 8,000 miles away from grandma's bedside. These people know what death is like all too well. They know the pain that is felt. They bury their loved ones every day.
7/17Mel just called again. As I was sitting out here writing, Sammy came out with his phone. My heart skipped beats. It's a little after 7 here meaning after midnight in Ohio, and Mel, Ken, Rachael, and Jeff are all at the hospital. They have taken her off all medications. She is only on the ventilator. The funeral, if she lasts as long as the doctors say, would be Friday or Saturday. Mel said she thinks I would regret not being there, but I can't carry that regret. I immediately told Mel that I would regret leaving here, because even if it were only a few days, God can and will do amazing things in those days. He sent me here KNOWING That this would happen, so I must TRUST in his love and comfort. I woke up super early this morning not able to get to sleep so I went out in the living area and prayed for Grandma. no I know why. They were probably wondering calling me. I really need team time. Prayer with them.
When peace like a river Attendeth my way, when Sorrows like sea bellows roll Whatever my lot though has taught me to say, Praise the Lord, It is Well with my SoulI'm getting this BAD feeling right now. I'm not sure what is going on. I'm a big homesick right now. I just want to be with the sibs. I asked the team to come together to pray this morning, but it got awkward for some reason. Sammy requested again that I do not mention anything to anyone about what is going on at home. Hot sure why, because whoever was at the prayer meeting last night knows about it. I'm grasping onto these pictures of friends and verses that the girls gave me before I left. It's my only connection to home right now. God has me where He wants me for a reason, and I hope to find what that is. I came in to pray tonight about everything but it was so weird. I started praying then completely forgot what to pray about. Then I even tried sitting up so my mind wasn't wandering like it usually does when I pray but I couldn't put a prayer into words. It was like God saying "Child, I love you, Trust me. It's in my hands."
7/18 WednesdayRight now we are doing nothing and I hate it. I feel bad. I am not going home early so I feel like I should be out there making a difference, but I'm so exhausted, kind of letting my frustrations show too much. I need rest. I have a peace about Grandma although when Sammy's phone rings my heart speeds up. I only cried once about it today. Patricia sat down and started rubbing my back and that did it. Just needed support.
7/19 ThursdayIt has been two days since Mel called while she was at the hospital. I thought for sure she would call by now. God are you answering my prayers, that I would make it home in time? I prayed for clarity to know I was making the right decision in not going home, then a verse that I had in my head earlier this month came to mind. I don't think it was a mistake I read this earlier too. (Luke 9:59-62) Is that clarity enough? I trust God. This will work out the way He had planned from the beginning.
Grandma passed away last night, Wednesday, at 8:30p.m. (3:30am this morning) Mel called tonight at 8:30 here. We were laughing in the tent with Sammy and Charity when Sammy's phone rang. I knew right away when he acted like he couldn't hear, then it clicked why Sammy was trying extra hard to make me laugh while eating a complete Tilapia head. He handed the phone out to me and I just laid back my head and started shaking. I didn't want to be out there. Matt, Whitney, Charity were all out there. I couldn't hear Mel very well, only that she passed away and the time she did. It must have been so scary for her. I lost connection with Mel and had to sit out in the tent since they wouldn't let me leave for 15 minutes until she called back. Meanwhile I'm sobbing in Charity's embrace, sitting there and crying and everyone still in the tent. Sammy wouldn't let anyone leave. All the YCT people were outside having a good time with no clue about what was happening. Whitney and Jess came over to rub my back. I never felt so embarrassed yet not caring really. I'm at my lowest piont unable to think, stand. Team members just apologizing for my loss. On the phone in the corner of the tent with everyone looking at me, now getting more information as Mel called again. Grandma was taken off the ventilator on Tuesday afternoon at 1:00. This would have been 8:00 Tuesday night, right about the time I came in to pray and not know what to pray about, feeling that peace from God. She lasted until Wednesday at 8:30. Mel said each of them were able to say goodbye. She was alert enough to hear them. She would smile and nod as they thanked her for having us over in the summers. They said goodbye for me too. Tehy said I wanted to be there but am doing good work here. That i LOVED HER. Mel said she smiled and tears came down her face as she said goodbye. :(What si going to happen now? To the home. I want to be there. See it again. Help go through stuff. Be with my family. Did I make the right decision? I want these doubts taken away! Mom is being well, herself about this. She originally said I shouldn't come home and now she's asking Mel why I wouldn't come home. I don't get it. I don't get the timing in all this. Why couldn't get have waited for hte surgery? And why, God, did she hold out all month only to pass away 6 days before I get back home? I'm missing the funeral. Where will my closure be? All these questions Lord. Fill my heart with an understanding and peace. Teach me amazing things from this. My heart aches. The plane ride will be miserable. Just the waiting. I need STRENGTH. I want to be around friends, family. I don't think its completely hit me yet because I'm here. I keep Deut. 31:8 in my mind, and can't get the song "It is well with my soul" out of my head.
---------------------------------------I'm so week right now. But I love the hearts of the YCT people. I love their genuine love and care. At the YCT meeting I saw this with how Boblin reached over and took a firm hold of my arm to keep me from falling. When Whitney left my side, Patrick soon came up to support me and keep me from falling too. I will miss these guys! I told Charity through the YCT members, their home was the next best place here on earth next to home that I could have been to grieve Grandma's passing.. These people are real.
7/20 Friday
It has to be about midnight. I've been sitting outside listening to some worship music over the slum. I love this stuff. They worship with all their hearts. Mel called tonight and said I can write a letter for them to read at the funeral, so that's what I came out here to do. If its almost midnight here, that means her viewing is happening right now, and I'll miss the funeral by only 3 days. I pray there is no tension and that everything goes smoothly. Maybe this is why I'm not there for this, because I know there is going to be a great deal of tension at this funeral with my family. Now I must write this letter and email it out before 10:00am tomorrow. God give me strength. Give me words to say that may also reach the hearts of my family members. Keep me strong. My strength comes from you.
7/21...Grandma's funeral was today, during the exact time we gathered in the slum for a Bible study. They prayed for me tonight to close the study. I shared Psalm 18 with the group as they asked for us to share how God has revealed himself through a tough situation this past week. I know Tosh requested this format for me, as they normally don't do this format. Frank was sitting by me and pointed out Psalm 121. He then shared it and read it out loud. It's an awesome Psalm and perfect to hear.
Tonight, our last night here, and I was able to experience something that was AMAZING. Saida and Jackie's [the sisters i've been praying with throughout the month] kids were waiting for me as we walked out of the YCT building in the slum. It was already dark, and we normally try to leave before dark for safety reasons. The kids requested that I come down to their home, because their mom's wanted to say goodbye. So I went. I walked in under candlelight, and there, for the first time all month, I met Jackie's husband. This guy who has been sleeping around on her, beating her, and anything and everything else. This guy who I've prayed with Jackie and Saida about all month. Here he was. I was able to come together with the family and pray, circled together, conencted hands, with him there. He asked for prayer. I felt God there! I was changed. I pray for this guy that he truly LOVES his family. What an incredible way to end this trip. Maybe this is why I stayed instead of going home early? I then went to meet their step-mom who immediately wished me safe travels and apologized for the passing of Grandma. I was touched. I can never forget this evening.
I'm home. Well, at Mel's. I need to nap, but first I decided to look at the funeral stuff Mel gave me. The bulletin had several verses on it. One being Psalm 27:4-7 and 13-14. Verses 7-8 are verses that were in my head the whole trip!!! AND... Psalm 121 was read at her funeral. Look back to 7/21 from the Bible study in Kenya when Frank read that. I know that Bible Study was exactly the same time as Grandma's funeral. Wow.... amazing.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
my wish
Random thing happened today... (from May 11th)
This morning I woke up realizing it was Mothers Day and getting a little bummed. The usual days that families usually get together and do things to celebrate each other and what it all means to them. A Sunday to go to church and come home to sit around and watch movies (which isn't a bad thing) while a lot of other people are with their families.
While getting ready this morning, I thought about November 9, 2005 when I drove up to Michigan to meet my nephew for the first time. I wasn't sure why I thought about this... I honestly don't too much. On the way up I popped in my Rascal Flatts CD that I just bought that week. The song "My Wish" came on and I just let the words sink in. I never met this little boy yet but as a new aunt, the words in the song meant a lot.
The ride home that next day after meeting Joshua, I put that song on and listened to it a good 3-4 times on the way home and cried as I sang it outloud (yep, just admitted that). I thought about the joy I felt in holding that little baby and how much I wish for him to dream big and to live out his dreams. This morning that memory came back to me, and I thought about the feelings I felt holding Josh, and was amazed to think how that joy will multiply so much more when I actually hold my son or my daughter for the first time. I can't imagine what the feeling will be like and someday I hope to feel it. Then, since it it Mother's Day, of course I thought about my mom and wondered if she ever felt that way with us, and if she thinks that way about us now. And after she hung up on me today when I called her, it makes me wonder even more...
An hour later at church, the worship band sang that song to honor mothers. Of all the songs that could have been chosen to sing at church they choose a Rascal Flatts song from 2 years ago. Kinda crazy. I was pretty good at holding back the tears first service, but second service when I could sit by myself it was a little bit harder. (I go to both services now because something I do at church)
how ironic and random is that?
is she really gone?
It's been 9 months since Grandma passed away... and I'm still finding times in my life when I'm searching for closure. I thought I got it during the Auction at the homeplace, but there are just random times when I think about it a lot... how I wasn't home for the surgery which was the day I flew out in june, her time in the hospital, her passing on July 18th, or her funeral which was two days before i was to arrive home... and I just get so upset. It doesn't seem like she can be gone when she seemed fine before surgery.
It's 1:00am, and I can't sleep. Lisa's not home. No one is around, and I need to be up in 5 1/2 hours. I'm missing Grandma a lot. Their place is forever gone from my life.. the place where I had so many good memories, even with hardship from my mom. No more driving to Ohio to visit which i didn't do enough, calling her and telling her i loved her which i also didn't do enough, walking back to the creek behind their house... Tonight I have just found myself feeling so many regrets for not coming home from Africa early.
I felt so alone in Africa during this time but so surrounded by love from people who hardly knew me. But now those people who comforted me and prayed over me, (literally, for 2 hours one night while I sat there crying...) are 8,000 miles away.
I remember it clearly... finding out about her passing. The team was eating in the tent where we normally ate supper, and Sammy (the guy who we stayed with) was trying his hardest to make me laugh. (He had already received the news from my sister about Grandma's passing, but we were out doing kids ministry and construction so he asked her to call back during supper time.) Sammy's phone rang and my heart started speeding up as it had been those 2 days. (My sister had told me she may not make it two days earlier and encouraged me to come home.) I remember glancing over at Matt, a team member who I thought would be there for me at least a little bit, and seeing that look that he knew what was happening... and then glancing around seeing everyone stopping what they were doing and looking at me. Charity, Sammy's wife, came over and put her arms around me.
When Sammy couldn't hear the connection well, I knew it was Melanie calling. I immediately started crying, and Sammy wouldn't let me leave the tent. So, as everyone on my team sat there and watched, I talked and cried to my sister. It was embarrassing but I didn't care. I was encouraged not to say anything about it to the natives and was supposed to go on like nothing happened. My team... well... let's just say I wish we had been a little closer. I felt so lost.
Mel called the next evening to tell me that I could write something for the funeral, but had to have it in by 10:00 the next morning, Kenya time.
I stayed up to write this letter while listening to my new friends who lose family members very regularly singing praises to God. After they left (they always left Sammy's early to get back to their home in the slum safely), I moved myself to a bench outside alone... under the Africa night sky with the sounds of the slum in the background, writing this letter.
So while laying here in bed, I thought about the letter I wrote for the funeral. I wanted to find it and read it for the first time since that night. I had to dig through my email but found what I sent to Mel that next morning... the first time I had been in my email all month. Its funny that as I read it now, I'm helping myself by remembering how BIG GOD WAS TO ME DURING THAT TIME. I guess I just wanted to share it.
To my Family:Please know that I want to be there to mourn with you. Its hard not having a piece of home with me right now. Know that I am with you in my prayers. That's the greatness of God - He's everywhere, even 8,000 miles away. Keep holding on to Christ's love and comfort. That same love and comfort is what is holding me together right now. Know that through every storm in our lives, He never lets us go. This is his promise to us:Psalm 33:20-23We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
Grandma, What can i say? Tonight, as my friends whom I have met here are outside singing worship songs in the middle of a place where there's pain all around, I'm sitting here in this room praying that God will give me peace and the words to write this letter.
Reality hasn't hit yet. You can't be gone. I went through my cell phone and came across your number, realizing that I will never be able to call you again. It has been so hard not being able to be there and to understand the timing in all this, but God has me here for a reason. Selfishly, I wanted God to hold you here on earth for only a couple more days. My prayer was that I could be there for this celebration of your life, but God had a bigger plan and only He knew the exact time and hour you were to leave us. Who am I to question Him? I love you grandma and wish I could have been there to visit and pray with you during these scary moments this past month.
The morning you had your surgery I was packing to leave. It was hard.. as I kept getting all these thoughts in my head of the unknown. But God knew. I'm glad I was able to see you at Mike and Heidi's wedding. You looked beautiful there. You seemed so healthy that this whole thing is hard to believe. I'm glad I was able to remember our last time together with you appearing so healthy and happy. That last embrace didn't seem like goodbye to me, but on the way home my hands smelled like you. (It was a good smell... no worries, or as they say here in Africa "Hakuna Matata"). I never wanted to wash the smell away because its the same smell I can associate with my childhood memories of you, as silly as that sounds.
Thank you for loving us enough to put up with us every summer for a couple of weeks. I say "putting up with" for a reason, because I know we had to be a pain at times...I mean, at least the boys were. I always remember being so excited to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa every summer. You always filled our weeks with joy; I remember going to the campground to swim and golf, sliding down the stairs and helping to ruin the fun green shaggy carpet in our pajamas with you joining us in our laughter, being forced by the boys to go through the haunted houses they made in our basement, playing Atari for hours on end, but most importantly are the memories with you and me specifically that I can remember, and I'm sure more will be flowing in my heart in these coming days. When I picture being at your house, I will picture you sitting in your chair and inviting up to be in the warmth of your lap while you read the book "Why Cant I Fly?" or the one you remember most, 101 Dalmations. And every morning waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and looking forward to meeting you in the kitchen for the best toast EVER. I don't care what anyone says, I have seriously not been able to make a better piece of toast than you could. And, I don't think I ever thanked you for being on the phone for a long enough time for Ken to take the scissors to my hair. I enjoyed not having any hair for a year or so. :)
I thank God for these memories and for the gift of a Grandma. I will treasure them in my heart forever.
I believe that you had a faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, and because of that I know that I, along with others in this room who have made that same heart commitment to live their lives for Him, will be able to see you, along with Grandpa, again someday. There will be no pain or sorrow there, and I'm excited for that.
So this isn't goodbye. I will be able to see you again some day. until then, I know that...
When peace like a river attendeth my way,
when Sorrows like sea bellows roll.
Whatever my lot, though as taught me to say,
it is well, it is well, with my soul.
This is the song God has laid on my heart the whole month, and now I know why. And, I know it is well with your soul too. I love you!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
pray for my friends in Kibera
So I'm not much to watch the world news or keep up with what's happening, but everything is put in proper perspective now that I've been there and know MANY people who are personally effected by all of this.
So, here's a short summary of why this is happening:
The government in Nairobi is corrupt, but yet was known as one of the most stable governments in the Africa. (When I was there, there would be police holding machine guns and sticks doing random stops along the road... sometimes taking people's belongings and beating people. Needless to say I was very uncomfortable when we were driving down the highway in the diesel matatu.)
The incumbant president is a member of the Kikiyu tribe. The president that was up against him in the election, which took place on the 27th, is in the Luo tribe. People living in poverty were drawn to this new guy because he campaigned as "Champion for the poor" and there was hope for the first time that if this guy won, the government would do something to help aleviate the poverty conditions which they live in. His main constituent is the Kibera Slum (where I stayed). The incumbant has handled money badly, and making many many empty promises to those living in the slums. For example, money was alotted for 5 light towers to be put in the Kibera slum, but I only saw 2. These light towers were to help to keep the occurances of rape and other violence down. Basically, there is still a lot of poverty and tribalism in the country that hasn't changed since he took over in 2002.
So apparently, on election day, it looked as if the new guy was going to win.
But, the incumbant ended up winning, and now the opposition leader has accused him of rigging the election.
300 dead, 75,000 people displaced. Homes burnt down. Orders to shoot to kill. Ethnic cleansing (basically attempts to get rid of a tribe). Shops burnt down. Fighting everywhere.
No water (which is scarce anyway).
No food.
And definitely no security
So what's next? There is going to be an opposition rally today in Kenya (they are 8 hours ahead). There is said to be a million people show up for that. Concerns are that violence will swell during this... which is likely.
Those who live in poverty are upset and have all the emotions built up. They have something to fight for. (See the video below to get a feel for this.) In the slums, which are often divided along tribal lines, rival groups have been fighting each other with machetes and sticks as police use tear gas and bullets to keep them from moving farther into the city. Kibera has seen the most violence according to the news.
The effects? Shops are closed because of looting. The price of food has skyrocketed. (A loaf of bread, which used to be about 20 shillings, is now 120 shillings.) And, people have to walk farther to even get their food. My friends have told me they have not eaten for days. Where we stayed this summer is in the middle of all the chaos. Shops along both sides of the road we walked up and down multiple times a day are burnt down, which is a ten second walk from Sammy's home.
I am so worried about my friends there. One of them has a brother who has been arrested. (He is a Luo tribe, and the government is Kikiyu.) Another friend had his home ransacked and destroyed. Sammy has left his home with his family and has taken refuge. Sammy is Kikiyu... and the Luo's are seeking the Kikiyu's and attacking them. Actually, some of the YCT (the ministry we worked with) members are staying at Sammy's house and told me that some opposition showed up at Sammy's to create trouble. After seeing the YCT members were Luo, they left.
But... their response? While on the phone, my friend Boblin asked me what I was going to eat for supper. I couldn't answer. He just said "no no no, Janelle, you live in America. Don't mind. You give God glory for everything, just as we here in Kenya are doing."
Check out Acts 17:26-27. This is the verse he mentioned to me while I was in Africa.
That is the faith of a friend who I have missed. My friends, who were there for me during one of the hardest times of my life when my Grandma passed away, are enduring a lot of suffering and I can't do anything... but PRAY.
Please do the same!
Video that shows you how people in Kibera are feeling:
Emails from my friends:
Hello Janelle!
Praise the Lord!! Happy New Year!!!
I'm so much encouraged with your concern about us, it's amazings to have wonderful sisters who's hearts beat with the love of God.
Yes we've had a rough time here in Kibera because of the elections that were held on 27th. Dissagreements came coz of rigging claims by the oppotition, and this has affected especially our area since it's the stronghold of the opposition party. There has been looting of shops, burning of shops, killings though this has been low. If you can remember the shop(flat) that was just next to Sammy's house, it was burnt down, and the shops that were along Olympic road on both sides were all burnt down. There has been scarcity of food and it's been expensive.
Pray with us here that God will intervene on our behalf.
Thanks and may God's peace reighn in your heart.
Boblin Omondi
Hun its worse down here and we are so glad you're praying for us. We cant survive in the hands of a rigged president for the next five years. Shops burnt down, pple killed, media burnt( by govt) in airing live news so its hard to know whats going on in the entire country, no food, no opened malls and no peace too. Over the protest for justice.
We are praying that the international will come to our rescue before things go out of hands. Kibera mostly targeted coz its the home(constituent) of the opposition leader( Raila Odinga) who was rigged against.
Peace be with you too, PETER
Please do something to Help soon. we are in a very BIG problem were are are unsafe, because their is one tribe in Kenya called LUO'S bringing Big Problem.please form more information please turn to your TV ON CNN OR BCC World NEWS.
We need you help to move to safety, please call for more information any time soon
Sammy Njiru
Kenya in Kibera Slums