March 14, 2007
Dear Friends and Family,
I never would have dreamed that I would be writing such a letter as this, but God works in mysterious ways. For the past few years I have been struggling with the direction my life was going, but I trusted that God had something amazing planned for me. At the Passion ‘07 conference in January, God awakened what He placed in my heart long ago. Although it hit me like a rock and left me feeling inadequate, I left Passion with a sense of urgency to act upon what God was telling me those four incredible days, and trust Him to take care of the rest. Since then I've learned that if God wants me to do something, He will keep presenting Himself until I say YES.
Christ’s last words to his disciples in Mark 16:15 were “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” At Passion, hundreds, if not thousands, stood to be prayed over, saying "God is telling me to GO. I don't know when, I don't know where, I don't know how, but here I am, Lord! I want to serve You! Send me!" I was one of those who stood, and that's when I truly felt like my heart was awakened.
Since Passion, the doors have quickly opened and I’m following through with what my heart has been swelling over since. I have an amazing opportunity to go spread love in a dark place. After prayerful consideration, I’ve made the commitment to travel with a team to Kenya. We will spend 4 weeks in a large slum district called Kibera, on the south side of Niarobi. Those that live in this slum are daily confronted with the extreme challenges of poverty. Many live on less than $1 a day and lack the daily nourishment they need, using garbage as food. Families live in shanties that are often not big enough for one person, and there is death and disease everywhere.
Our team will be working with a local youth ministry called Youngsters for Christ. We will be building lasting relationships and having Christ-centered fellowship with youth, helping to ignite or build their faith by: performing skits, singing songs, praying, sharing testimonies, and simply loving them. To learn more about the Youngsters for Christ Team, you can visit their website at
Missions cannot be possible without support of brothers and sisters in Christ. There are two ways that you can partner with me in this exciting opportunity to serve God. The most important method of support is through prayer. While I know Christ knows our needs, we still need to offer up our prayers. I have enclosed prayer cards which I hope will assist you in remembering the team in your prayers. If you would like to receive updates on our trip, please send me your e-mail.
Another way you can support me is through the resources Christ has blessed you with. I need to raise around $3,400 by May, and this is where I’m leaving it in God’s hands. I ask that you do not give unless you pray about it first. Then, if you feel led to partner with our team in this way, send your financial support to my home address which is listed below. Checks can be made out to Pathway Community Church. Please write “Kenya Trip” on the memo line. Cash is also acceptable. All support is processed through my church, so if you decide to support me financially you will receive a tax deductible receipt.
Thank you for your partnership in spreading God’s love to the youth in Africa. If you are reading this letter, you have left an impact on my life whether you know it or not, and your support means so much to me. I’m amazed at how God is including this as a part of His plans for me, and feel blessed with the prayer support of family and friends.
Janelle Lehman
**Because of obvious safety reasons, I am excluding my contact info on my blog. For those of you who read this and would like to contact me about this trip, please email me and include "Kenya Trip" in the subject line at:
Dear Friends and Family,
I never would have dreamed that I would be writing such a letter as this, but God works in mysterious ways. For the past few years I have been struggling with the direction my life was going, but I trusted that God had something amazing planned for me. At the Passion ‘07 conference in January, God awakened what He placed in my heart long ago. Although it hit me like a rock and left me feeling inadequate, I left Passion with a sense of urgency to act upon what God was telling me those four incredible days, and trust Him to take care of the rest. Since then I've learned that if God wants me to do something, He will keep presenting Himself until I say YES.
Christ’s last words to his disciples in Mark 16:15 were “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” At Passion, hundreds, if not thousands, stood to be prayed over, saying "God is telling me to GO. I don't know when, I don't know where, I don't know how, but here I am, Lord! I want to serve You! Send me!" I was one of those who stood, and that's when I truly felt like my heart was awakened.
Since Passion, the doors have quickly opened and I’m following through with what my heart has been swelling over since. I have an amazing opportunity to go spread love in a dark place. After prayerful consideration, I’ve made the commitment to travel with a team to Kenya. We will spend 4 weeks in a large slum district called Kibera, on the south side of Niarobi. Those that live in this slum are daily confronted with the extreme challenges of poverty. Many live on less than $1 a day and lack the daily nourishment they need, using garbage as food. Families live in shanties that are often not big enough for one person, and there is death and disease everywhere.
Our team will be working with a local youth ministry called Youngsters for Christ. We will be building lasting relationships and having Christ-centered fellowship with youth, helping to ignite or build their faith by: performing skits, singing songs, praying, sharing testimonies, and simply loving them. To learn more about the Youngsters for Christ Team, you can visit their website at
Missions cannot be possible without support of brothers and sisters in Christ. There are two ways that you can partner with me in this exciting opportunity to serve God. The most important method of support is through prayer. While I know Christ knows our needs, we still need to offer up our prayers. I have enclosed prayer cards which I hope will assist you in remembering the team in your prayers. If you would like to receive updates on our trip, please send me your e-mail.
Another way you can support me is through the resources Christ has blessed you with. I need to raise around $3,400 by May, and this is where I’m leaving it in God’s hands. I ask that you do not give unless you pray about it first. Then, if you feel led to partner with our team in this way, send your financial support to my home address which is listed below. Checks can be made out to Pathway Community Church. Please write “Kenya Trip” on the memo line. Cash is also acceptable. All support is processed through my church, so if you decide to support me financially you will receive a tax deductible receipt.
Thank you for your partnership in spreading God’s love to the youth in Africa. If you are reading this letter, you have left an impact on my life whether you know it or not, and your support means so much to me. I’m amazed at how God is including this as a part of His plans for me, and feel blessed with the prayer support of family and friends.
Janelle Lehman
**Because of obvious safety reasons, I am excluding my contact info on my blog. For those of you who read this and would like to contact me about this trip, please email me and include "Kenya Trip" in the subject line at: